Pippa's Rescue Read online

Page 7

  From Basil’s distance, Mattie’s voice held undistinguishable angst or excitement rippling with each word she spoke. Something was up. He threw off the covers.

  Pippa slipped into her pants and top and his erection throbbed with disappointment. Within seconds she held the phone to her ear. “I’ll be right there.”

  Her fingers ran over the face of the cell, then she shoved it into her back pocket.

  “What’s wrong?” Basil dragged on the jeans from last night and fastened them. For a moment he wished he’d brought his shoes and a shirt. Now he’d have to go back into David’s room and possibly see Skogul, the interloper from hell.

  “Something happened to the new horse, Titan. Unbelievable.” She scraped her midnight hair into a knot and folded it over to secure it with lose strands. “I need to go.”

  “Sure, no worries. I’ll get dressed and join you.”

  She zipped out the door without a response. What had happened? From the sounds of chatter and the faint whistles coming from outside, something had more than Mattie riled.

  Basil sighed in relief when he didn’t see the loose Amazon cannon in his temporary bedroom. He sat on the edge of the perfectly made bed. Rifling through his bag, he pulled out socks. Tugging on the fresh pair, he shoved his feet into the boots. A used T-shirt lay crumpled on the floor at the foot of the bed, so he gave it a whiff, swiped deodorant under his pits, and slipped the jersey on as he walked out the door.

  A small crowd had gathered around stable one. The roar of a massive motor caught his attention. He shielded his eyes against the morning sun. The Kingdom Animal Services SUV marked the vet’s presence. Pippa would be in tears if one of her precious horses had gotten injured.

  Oddly the first thing he smelled when he entered the stables wasn’t horse dung. The place was ripe with joy. Sweet elation resembled a mix of hay and oats and excitement. Goodwill poured from the bystanders surrounding the almost-white horse standing in the center of the barn. Pippa’s gentle hands rubbed the sides of the beast’s neck. He blew frequent breaths, more than likely nervous of the crowd gathered around him. Titan was alive. Basil sent a small prayer of thanks.

  He broke through the crowd. Situated on the rail between stalls was Skogul, looking a bit put out and, if he guessed correctly a touch of fear shone in her eyes. She met his glance and nodded in acknowledgment. No sarcastic words, no giggles of enjoyment. Something was fucked up. He moved his gaze to Pippa. Her grin spanned her beautiful face.

  “What’s going on?” Basil nodded to the horse.

  “Oh, Basil, he’s been healed. Look.” She pointed to the missing gash on his hindquarters. “All of his wounds have mended.”

  “How is that possible?” Basil asked. Murmurs of agreement came from behind him.

  “That isn’t possible,” Doc said as he came around to the side of the horse.

  Basil hadn’t seen him since the horse healer had drugged him. He’d have a word with the quack when he got him alone.

  “Excuse me,” a deep male voice said.

  Basil moved to the side, until he heard a sharp inhale from Skogul. He glanced at her. She stared at the man with a baritone voice, whose sole attention was focused on the horse. “I’m sorry, let me move. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Basil Vanguard.”

  “Aidan Hall. Nice to meet you.” Aidan shook Basil’s extended hand.

  Aidan stood aside and waited for Pippa to walk away from the horse. Titan shifted to the side, closer to his stall. Pippa’s hand went to Titan and stroked his nose, whispering soothing words. A couple of snorts and the horse calmed. The vet bent to evaluate the recently injured and miraculously healed stallion’s hide. Basil kept his glance on Skogul. She smiled, and not the can’t-wait-to-see-what-happens-next grin, but a sappy love-look. Harry’d had a similar dazed look when he talked about his angel. Harry’s angel, according to the information he’d found on Harrison’s laptop, was Kiara.

  “What kind of super-antibiotic did you give Titan?” Pippa asked Aidan as he ran his hands across the horse’s flank.

  “Nothing out of the ordinary. I make my own salve from herbs, but I’ve never seen anything like this,” Aidan responded.

  “Maybe it’s the salve then,” the old doc stated. He stood hip to hip with Mattie. “Did you add anything new?”

  “No.” Aidan scratched the back of his head. “Who else has administered care to Titan?”

  “Just me.” Though Pippa and Skogul spoke at the same time how many, if any, heard Skogul?

  But Aidan looked directly at Skogul. Could he see her? Hear her? Basil stomach quivered with anticipation, hoping he wasn’t the only one. How could he prove it? He stared at Skogul. Her bright-red cheeks glittered in the dim overhead light.

  Basil glanced at Pippa. “Maybe we should take him outside to see the healed wounds in natural light?”

  “No, don’t take him into the light!” Skogul’s shout went ignored.

  “Good idea,” Pippa said. She took hold of the leather strap next to Titan’s left cheek. The mass of enthusiastic volunteers and workers followed the horse into the open area in front of the stable.

  Basil touched Dr. Hall’s arm. “Wait a moment please.”

  “No good can come from this, Basil,” Skogul spouted as she jumped from the seven-foot stall ledge. Her costume didn’t catch on the wood splinters as he would have expected. But she’d gained Aidan’s attention.

  Aidan grabbed Basil’s arm. “You can see and hear her?”

  “Yes, he can. He is the only one who is supposed to see me.” She winced, as if she’d said something wrong.

  Aidan took a step back, farther from Skogul and closer to the sunlight. “So, you and he are—”

  “No!” Basil’s outburst mimicked Skogul’s.

  “I don’t understand then. Who are you? Why are you here?” Basil directed to Skogul and then turned to Aidan. “Why are we the only two who can see and hear her?”

  “I’d like to know that, too,” Aidan and Skogul said at the same time.

  “He’s a holistic, natural veterinarian, taking over Doc’s practice.” Pippa’s voice came from behind.

  Had she heard the entire conversation? The others’ focus remained on the horse instead of the stable scene. Damn, she must have, which explained why Pippa changed the context from female to male.

  Pippa placed her backside to Aidan and the crowd, farther away, only Basil could see the anger on her face. “Who is the ‘she’ you’re referring to?” Her snappish voice sent jets of pain into his core. She didn’t trust him, yet.

  “Uh-oh, shit’s going to hit the fan now.” Skogul pasted her smirk back into place.

  Aidan frowned, and she instantly lost the sneer. She moved closer to Aidan and whispered into his ear. Basil had to diffuse the situation. He glanced at Aidan, who shrugged. Didn’t the vet think it odd Pippa couldn’t see and hear Skogul?

  “Pippa, I’d like to explain.” Basil wrapped his arm around her waist, propelling her toward the exit. She dug her heels into the floor, stopping the propulsion. A large raven flew into the stable and circled the foursome.

  “Frak.” Skogul disappeared.

  Pippa grabbed hold of a straw broom and swatted at the bird. “Shoo, bird.”

  The black, winged creature flew out and Pippa stood in front of Aidan, holding the broom handle as if she wanted to use it on a man. “Dr. Hall, all of Titan’s external injuries have healed. If you would be so kind, please enlighten us to your method of treatment for him.”

  “Indeed.” Aidan nodded to Basil as if to say We’ll talk later. The veterinarian grabbed his medical bag and walked from the stable. He didn’t look back.


  Anger stirred within Pippa, but she forced a smile and trotted to Titan’s side as Dr. Hall evaluated the equine’s newly healed wounds in broad daylight. What had the two men been arguing about? They’d just met. Were they fighting over a woman? Lavender and sage masked the scents of hay. Other than the stable hands and volunt
eers, smelling of hard labor sweat, no her had remained in stable one. Pippa scanned the faces in the crowd trying to sort through the women who might be involved with Basil and/or Aidan.

  She moved to the left of Titan and turned to Basil. She had no regrets for not having sex again last night. Pippa shook her head. She’d considered engaging in intercourse this morning when his junk nudged against her backside. Rarely was her instinct about a man wrong. Colossal mistake with this one. She should guard her heart against Vanguard. Had she forgotten he only searched for her brother?

  “Consider this part of the transferring of duties, Aidan. You have agreed to take the position, correct?” Doc shouted to be heard over the amazed crowd— growing larger and louder by the minute.

  “Yes, I’m taking the position. As far as the salve used on Titan—” Aidan stroked the horse’s neck, who in turn bowed his head. He’d quickly gone from shy, fearful horse to docile. “My concoction isn’t unlike other holistic remedy. Lavender to promote healing, bee pollen, and comfrey to soothe and help the wounds close and prevent infection. The salve is applied three times a day. I start with a goldenseal wash and provide electrolytes to battle the dehydration in combination with oats, valerian, and chamomile for anxiety.” Titan rubbed his nose against Aidan, nudging him. The vet’s hand went back to rubbing the equine’s ears. “I created a poultice with vitamin B12 and comfrey. Then the thin layer of salve I mentioned, afterward. Nothing unusual.”

  Just a few days ago there were gaping wounds on the animal’s hide. Strange things had happened since Basil’s arrival at the ranch. Now this horse’s miraculous healing.

  Something wasn’t right.

  Pippa pointed. “Why does that odd glitter surround the healed areas?”

  “Bee pollen has a sheen. I believe the power of positive thinking and excellent care provided by Wilson Horse Rescue staff and volunteers is the reason this horse has healed so quickly. Each of you is responsible for the health of this poor soul.” Dr. Hall grabbed his bag from the gravel. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find a place to live because I’m going to be your new veterinarian.” He turned to her. “Pippa, I’d like to adopt Titan.”

  “Yes, of course. Mattie will start the paperwork.” She glanced at Basil. His gaze traveled from the veterinarian’s hands to the horse’s flank. Did he question the incredible recovery as well? She took hold of Titan’s reins and turned him about. “Perhaps everyone should resume their duties.”

  Basil didn’t follow her into the stable. Instead he went to Aidan and stopped him from getting inside the SUV. Pippa tried, without success, to read their lips. Aidan nodded. Basil tapped his arm. Aidan climbed behind the wheel of his vehicle and drove away.

  Her gaze leveled with Basil’s. He wasn’t smiling. Instead, he marched toward her like a Marine going into battle.

  Chapter 10

  Specks of light floated around Skogul as she tumbled through the black hole at breakneck speed. Shards of brilliance hadn’t happened before. Usually she and Bella, her flying horse, de-solidified in Asgard and re-solidified on Earth or whichever planet they sought Einherjar recruits without flashing eye-hurting lights.

  For a moment a thought crossed her mind, filled her with an inkling of fear. She could be plummeting toward the underworld, or as Kiara claimed, the bowels of hell. Adapted to the pressure and pain of the transportation tightened her muscles in preparation for whatever environment she landed. She’d fight, with every last breath, and clutched the dagger at her side.

  Electricity jolted through her body and left through her feet, grounding her to a solid marble floor. She’d landed in a suite of rooms decorated in dark blues, grays, and whites. They looked familiar. Best case scenario she’d transferred into a room in the new coliseum. Had Kiara called her back? She’d expected to see Göndul and hear a stern, creative punishment.

  Skogul took a step, wobbled, and righted. Inhaling a deep breath, she centered and exhaled. Whole again and able to walk a straight line, she stepped farther into the foyer. Through an open door, a few feet away, Kiara stood next to a soaking pool, holding fluffy pewter towels and a robe. “Come, we don’t have much time.”

  Excited that she’d avoided hell and Göndul, Skogul ran forward, stripped, and climbed into the warm bubbly water. “Did you send for me? What was that strange and painful portal?”

  Kiara shoved a thick blonde braid over her shoulder and sat on the edge of the bathing pool, as graceful as the queen mother. “I’ve been watching you through Heimdallr’s interplanetary view.”

  Unthinkable! Kiara called her from an assignment and put her in danger. How much had the independent, stubborn Harrison influenced her friend? “Does Harrison know about your relationship with Heimdallr?”

  “Past relationship. The best part of being in love: no secrets. Harrison is my whole world, so yes he does.”

  Skogul tried to ignore the pain slicing through her body. At one time they were best friends until a man changed their sisterly bond.

  “Heimdallr helped me sneak you in without using the tunnel so alerts wouldn’t be issued. We only have a few minutes. I thought you could use a bit of relaxation after spending so much time in the stables. I mean—”

  “Got it. So what do you think? What approach should I take? I think he’s falling in love with the girl, Pippa. Love is a ridiculous notion and will make my offer less appealing.” Although her mind chased the foolish concept aside, her tender heart grasped for love, desire, and spending time with a mate. Love. Aidan Hall’s image clouded her clear perspective.

  Kiara frowned. Heat rushed to Skogul’s face. Great, what had she said wrong? She kept making mistakes. Skogul, zero points; everyone else, four.

  “You’re my best friend,” Kiara said, creating eddies in the water with the tips of her fingers. “I’m not one to criticize.”

  “Come on, out with it.” Her hot face cooled a little. At least Kiara still regarded her as her best friend. Skogul swiped a soap laden sponge over her shoulders and along her arms. Lavender was her favorite base scent and Kiara had provided the special formula, a mixture of flowering herbs, sage, bergamot, and a touch of frankincense.

  “You’ve wasted time watching television.” Kiara rushed the words. The side of her mouth had lifted and her eyes nearly shut. Was she afraid? Never had any of their conversations created an odd facial expression.

  “I was getting my footing and learning about the environment,” she snapped.

  Kiara’s back stiffened.

  Oh, no.

  “You took a dress.”

  Wanting to dip under the water to avoid this conversation she shrugged. “Had to borrow a garment to fit in.”

  “For a date. You allowed another human to see you.”

  “Stop right there. The only human I exposed myself too was Basil. Although he’s clearly not interested in my seductive approach—”

  “I saw you with the vet, Aidan.”

  Skogul flipped, causing the scented bath water to release the steam in the air, and took hold of Kiara’s hand. Had her friend seen the pain the earthling caused her? “I wanted, tried, to be with him. We connected. He could see me without revelation.”

  Kiara sighed. “You fell in love. Only true love allows a mortal to see a Valkyrie outside of battle.”

  Skogul snorted with derision, although it didn’t sound nearly as derisive as she would have liked. “Old wives’ tale told around a campfire.” She waved her hand, trying to dismiss the uncomfortable notion. “Love isn’t for me. I’m not weak.”

  Kiara theatrically lurched to the side, as if she’d been struck by a broadsword. “To share your soul with another only makes you stronger.”

  Her sweet nature became fierce when a loved one was in jeopardy.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not buying this theory of yours.” Tears welled in her friend’s eyes. Backpedal. “You and Harrison are an exception.”

  Kiara nodded, accepting the lame reasoning. “Wash your hair and get out. I’ve
had an outfit created just for you.”

  “I’m not wearing camouflage,” she blurted.

  Kiara softly smiled. “Camouflage comes in many different shapes and styles.”

  She didn’t respond, instead unclipped her hair and dipped under the water. Love wasn’t for her. She was in line for Göndul’s job when the exalted leader went to council. And rumors circulated that she’d created a platform and intended to run for office within two years when Ancient Aggie stepped down. Skogul would not fail this mission and weaken her chance of a promotion.

  Out of the pool and dry, she stood at the enormous window overlooking the lake and tried to make shapes through the frosty glass. She waited on Kiara’s return, wishing she could take a quick flight on Bella.

  “Here.” Kiara held what looked to be cotton with thin ribbons of silver woven within. “Yes, cotton. You need to adapt and we both agreed cotton breathed better than the man-made fibers. Try it on before you start complaining.”

  “Overall it’s very plain, but I like the silver. It’s my favorite color. The white and gray with a deep V-neck is fantastic.” She winked. “Shows my best assets. The trousers are plain. What is this?” She held a tiny band of sparkling cloth with three holes.

  “Undergarment. Apparently on Earth a woman must not walk around naked, but should wear at least this tiny garment. They’re called panties.” Kiara took them and indicated how to put them on. “I had moonstones and smooth bits of diamond sewed on them. Trust me, you’ll like the garment and earthly men get excited when they see a woman only wearing this tiny span of cloth.”

  “Perhaps I can get Aidan to join with me because of the panties.” She dropped the towel and slid the stretchy material on.

  “No time for that. You’ll need to make the offer to Basil and report back. Göndul was on her way to see Heimdallr as he transported you to Harrison’s suite.”

  Ah, ha, she’d landed in the new Special Ops commander’s quarters. She pulled on the gray jeans then reached for the blouse and walked to the full length mirror. “I’m not sure Basil will believe me, or that he’ll want to come.”